- Belgium
- Ref.CNCBE1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or United Kingdom (United Kingdom or UK), Great Britain, or rarely Britain, is an island state in Northwest Europe.
The state consists of four historical geographic and ethnic areas, called constituent countries: England, Wales, Scotland - all on the island of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - on the island of Ireland and includes about 5,100 smaller islands.
The density of the population is 383 people / km².
The population is unevenly distributed, with Scotland being the least populated, and England, especially its southeast.
According to the 2001 census, the population of the country is 58 789 194, most of them born in the territories of other countries - India, Pakistan, Poland, USA, Germany, the Republic of Ireland, etc. The average population growth for 2001 - 2008 is 0.5%, and in 2008, for the first time since 1998, natural growth is higher than the mechanical rate.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, a parliamentary kingdom. The throne is inherited from the original prince or princess. Since 1952, the Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne. Her successor is Prince Charles of Wales. The Queen's official title is "Elizabeth II of the Queen of God of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all other kingdoms and territories, head of the British community, a defender of the Faith."
Parliament is made up of 2 chambers (chambers) of Lords and municipalities. The chief political figure is the prime minister.
The main language spoken is English, but also Welsh, Celtic ("gaelic"), Irish and many Scottish dialects.
The official currency is the British pound, shilling, penny, and the abbreviated denominations £, s, d (from the Latin names of currencies: £ - libra, s - solidus, d - denarius) the letter £ is entered p for the "new foams" (5 p = 1 s = 12 d).
The British use specific measures for liquids: 1 gallon is 4.5 liters, 1 pound = 408.5 g, and 1 mile equals 1609 m. Also used are units inch (2.54 cm), feet (12 inches) yard (equal to 3 feet = 36 inches.
The movement of the cars is on the left lane (the steering wheel and the driver are respectively on the right). contrary to most countries in Europe.
The United Kingdom's climate is oceanic (Cfb at Kofen) - humid and mild, with slight temperature changes. The marine environment, and especially the influence of the warm Gulf Stream, makes the winter mild, damp, misty and almost snow-free. Snow is mainly in Scotland. In the summer, as well as during the transition seasons, many rain falls. The characteristic of the whole year is that it is very unsteady.
Winter is mild and summer is cool and in London the average minimum temperature during the coldest month of February is 2.2 ° C and the average maximum temperature during the hottest July - 22.8 ° C. The western part of the country, under the influence of the western ocean air masses, is wetter with an annual rainfall of up to 3000 mm and the eastern and particularly flat southeastern part of England is characterized by a drier climate and an annual rainfall of around 600 mm.
Upon arrival in the United Kingdom, the basic documents that any foreign citizen has to withdraw is a bank account and a NIN (National Insurance Number), a sufficient amount of money.
Job search and accommodation can also be done before you arrive in the UK.
This is, in some cases, preferable so that you can immediately identify and obtain the necessary documents to get started.
The opening of a bank account is necessary for every foreigner who arrives on the island. To do so, you must present a passport, a document proving that you have an address in England. The draft law on immigration provides for tightening of measures for opening a bank account for immigrants, which includes detailed credit status checks and whether there are obligations to bank institutions within the EU. For the moment, this law has not yet been adopted.
NIN is one of the most important and necessary documents you need to get started in England. This number is issued by the Tax Office of England and you will need to pay taxes, open a bank account, learn, work. If you do not have NIN you will have to pay huge taxes. Between 4 and 6 weeks are needed to obtain NIN. This is not such an easy procedure, so arraign with patience. The procedure also includes an interview where you may be denied receiving NIN.
For your departure, you need to have money for accommodation, and if you do not have one, you need to have money for a deposit, ie if the monthly rent is 500 pounds, you also need 500 pounds for a deposit; your pocket money is needed up to your first salary, and if you go to the country without a pre-arranged job, you need to make more money for a longer period of time.
The food costs are about 60 pounds for a week, so you can calculate what amount of cash you would need to bring, plus the transport costs.
Companies in the UK pay a salary weekly, once for two week or monthly.
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