- Belgium
- Ref.CNCBE1
The Kingdom of Denmark is a Scandinavian country with a total area of 43 094 km² (excluding the Faeroe Islands and Greenland).
Denmark is a constitutional monarchy in which the prime minister is the head of the government, with a multi-party system.
The population is 5 451 826 people, of which 95.5% are Danes. The average density is 130 people / km². The official language is Danish. Religion: Christianity - Protestantism.
The official and state church of Denmark is the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The climate in Denmark is temperate. The most important climatic factor is the Atlantic Ocean. Typical of the moderate sea climate is the mild winter, unlike the temperate continental climate where the winters are cold. Summer is cool. Precipitation is almost evenly distributed throughout the year. The maximum rainfall is between June and October.
In Denmark, you can stay freely only with an ID card or passport for up to 3 months. If you intend to stay longer in Denmark, then within the 3-month period as of your entry into the country, you need to register with the Regional State Administration where you will be issued a Registration Certificate. To receive this certificate, you must either work for an employer or provide services as a self-employed person or study in Denmark. If you plan to stay longer than 6 months in Denmark, within 5 days of receiving your registration certificate, you must go to the municipal administration of your respective municipality in order to be registered with the CPR. From there, you will be automatically issued a civilian registration number and a health card that you will need for medical services.
From May 1, 2009 Denmark opens its labor market to the new Member States and Bulgarian citizens do not need a work permit.
In Denmark, social security is developed at a high level. Foreigners who start work in Denmark are part of their social security system, which is partly funded through taxes. Social security applies to both employees and self-employed, and most social risks are mandatory.
Not included in the compulsory unemployment insurance scheme, so if you want to benefit from unemployment benefits if necessary, you need to indicate that you want to volunteer by joining one of the unemployment / Danish funds: a-kasse /.
Everyone working in Denmark and included in the country's social security system receives a health insurance card with which you will benefit from the basic national health insurance system (free medical assistance and hospitalization).
When starting work, your employer must have information about your tax card, so you need to have a tax number even if you are not registered in the civil registration system and you do not have a CPR number, even if your stay in Denmark is for a period of less than 6 months. You can get a tax number by sending a form 04.063, accompanied by a copy of your ID and a copy of the employment contract.
In some cases, you can benefit from tax breaks - for example, deduction of travel costs from Bulgaria to Denmark / you need to be certified that your permanent residence is in Bulgaria /, relief for workers who are family members / marriage and a certificate that you live with your spouse (s) at the same address. All workers are also required to pay 8% of the labor market. If you are going to Denmark with a private motor vehicle registered in Bulgaria, you should also contact the Danish Tax Office SKAT to request permission to drive in Denmark without paying a registration fee.
At the end of the tax year, all workers / employees in Denmark receive from SKAT a tax return that shows their earnings, deductions, and tax benefits.
You need to check that this information is accurate and confirm this by checking the amount. If some information is missing, you need to write the exact amount of the relevant place on the form. Once SKAT has received this form back from you / it is necessary to comply with the deadline for returning the form at the bottom of the form, otherwise you may be fined 5,000 Danish / will be calculated the exact the amount of taxes due during the year. If you have paid more than the required deductions, the amount deducted will be refunded. If you have paid less, you will have to pay the amount due.
You can find a room in the newspaper ads or through a real estate agency. When renting an apartment is normal to pay a deposit as well as a 3-month advance payment. Even when renting a room, you need to make a contract describing specific details such as heating, water and electricity.
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