- Belgium
- Ref.CNCBE1
The Kingdom of the Netherlands, commonly referred to as the Netherlands, is a country in North-West Europe, which also includes Aruba, Curacao and Saba.
It is a constitutional monarchy. Head of State is the monarch (since 1980, Queen Beatrix).
The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with more than 400 people / km² (compared to an average of 48 people / km², Bulgaria - 72 people / km²).
There are two official languages - Dutch and Frisian, both of them in the German language group. Frisian is a regional language for the northern province of Friesland and is very close to English.
Major religions are Catholicism (32% in 2007) and Protestantism (15%). About 63% of the Dutch think themselves as belonging to a church. The part of the country south of the three rivers is (or was) mainly Catholic, and the northern part of the Protestant (mostly from the Dutch Reformed Church).
The Dutch are the highest people in the world. The average height of the men is 1.83 m, and the women's height is 1.72 m. The average life expectancy in 2005 is 77 years for men and 82 years for women.
In 2007, the ethnic population of the Netherlands is as follows:
80.6% - Dutch, 2.06% - Indonesians (former colony), 2.89% - Germans, 2.53% - Surinamian (former colony), 2.34% 7.08% - other ethnicities.
For stays of up to 3 months in the Netherlands, Bulgarian citizens do not need a residence permit, but such a document is required by a number of institutions, such as banks - when initiating an account with their system, the tax administration, employers also want to make sure the legal status of the prospective worker. For a period of more than 3 months, it is necessary to file a model application with the IND (Dutch residence organization) for the issue of a residence permit.
The Netherlands does not apply a permit for workers from Bulgaria since 01.01.2014. In order to work in the Netherlands, you need a social security number (so-called SOFI number).
The Dutch social security system is one of the most comprehensive in Europe. It provides protection for illness, maternity, disability, old age, unemployment, and family allowances for children. Most social security contributions are deducted automatically from salary. They are at the expense of both the worker and the employer. If you are legally resident in the Netherlands, but you lack the means for a normal life due to long-term incapacity or unemployment, you may want help from the state. You have the right to help temporarily and only because of involuntary vacancy. If you lose a job, you must register as soon as possible in the CWI.
Income tax is deducted from the employee's salary and remuneration and transferred to the tax offices by the employer. The tax is determined by the so-called "three-box" system, i.e., there are 3 tax categories:
• on income from employment and property;
• on "solid interest" income;
• Savings and investment income.
In each category the tax is collected differently. Tax on different earnings can not be transferred from one category to another. The tax on income from employment and property is calculated on a progressive scale. Self-employed persons must make a prepayment during the tax year and their amount is determined by revenue. If you work temporarily in the Netherlands, you may be entitled to a refund of part of your total income tax. To do so, you may ask the tax office for the relevant form. When filling in the form, you must specify the number of your personal bank account.
Taxes on motor vehicles depend on the weight and type of fuel used and may vary slightly from one country to another.
Life in the Netherlands is more expensive than most European countries - especially in cities and in the central and western parts.
Since rentals are small, you will need to be included in the so-called "Waiting list". If you are offered a rented apartment, you can cancel it only in limited circumstances. If you make a rental agreement, a deposit of one month's rent is usually required. Upon termination of a lease, at least one month's notice is usually required. Depending on your income, state, age and family, it is possible in certain circumstances to get a rent subsidy. If you want to buy a house you should contact the Real Estate Agency.
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