- Belgium
- Ref.CNCBE1
France is a country in Western Europe, and includes several overseas territories located on other continents. France occupies parts of western and south-western Europe.
Its territory is 675 417 km² (in Europe - 547 030 km2).
The population of France is a total of 67.6 million people.
France is a democratic semi-presidential republic with a multi-party system.
The official language is French.
From 01.01.2014 the requirement for work permit for Bulgarian citizens has been dropped. Bulgarian citizens have free access to the labor market and can fully enjoy the right to work in France without the need for a work permit.
Self-employed persons wishing to establish themselves in France with their businesses should register in the professional register and pay social security contributions.
Social security consists of several basic schemes:
General scheme - for workers and their families;
Agricultural scheme - for farmers and agricultural workers;
Independent scheme - for craftsmen, shopkeepers and freelancers;
Special scheme - for military and others.
The unemployment insurance scheme is targeted at all. The gross unemployment benefit is equal to the higher of the following two amounts: 57.4% of the SJR (daily wage reference), or 40.4% of the SJR + 11.04 € per day.
Social security contributions are shared between the employer and the worker. Contributions for professional accident and family allowances are paid by the employer. Medical expenses are reimbursed under the social security scheme on the basis of percentages specified at the time of conclusion of the contract.
An Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (1987) is signed between the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria and the French Republic.
Taxes in France are not deducted from wages. Taxation is based on the principle of income declaration by workers who themselves pay their taxes to the relevant tax offices. Employers do not withhold or pay taxes.
Every year, the tax office sends to each taxable family an income statement form, which describes the income from the previous year. The declaration must be completed and filed at the time specified by the tax office. There is also the possibility to pay the tax in monthly installments, and then equalize on an annual basis.
Three types of VAT are accounted for - a "normal" charge, which is 19.6%, another charge on certain products defined by law - 5.5% and an individual charge of 2, 1%
The minimum wage per hour is 9.67 euros or 1144 euros minimum net salary per month.
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